
In part one of a two part series on the Master Policy and Risk Management, Gail Cook from the Lockton Master Policy Team is interviewed on the Master Policy and risk management for Scottish solicitors. She explains the background to the Master Policy, why risk management is so important and gives some advice regarding the notification of Master Policy claims and changes to firms.

The background and operation of the Master Policy isn't always understood and in this short video, Gail Cook provides an insight into the nature of the Master Policy cover and its benefit to the profession.

Gail also explains what Lockton means when we talk about risk management, why it is so important and the impact it can have on the Master Policy claims across the profession as a whole.

Finally, Gail gives her views on how firms should respond if a matter arises together with some advice on who to contact if your firm is going through some changes.  

The video seminars are segmented into sections with multiple choice questions to ensure an effective and enjoyable learning experience that counts as verifiable CPD.

Part two of the series will be published next week. Click on the link below to view part one of the seminar.

Master Policy & Risk Management Video Seminars: Part One